Success, One Class At A Time

Who learns best One Course At A Time?

Anyone who is able to mine their curiosity and truly explore the material at hand will succeed here. One of the best features of One Course At A Time is that it gives you the time and space to truly focus. When you don’t have three or four different subjects pulling your thoughts in different directions you can really get to know the material, even if it wasn’t something you originally thought would interest you. When concepts and problems come to life, when your instructor teaches with you rather than at you, and when your classmates are all similarly focused, class gets exciting.

It sounds intense…

Sure it is, and that’s what really appeals to students, teachers, and parents. When your education mirrors the problem-solving challenges you’ll experience in the real world, and the timeline you have to get that work done, you build skills for life.

Important real world skills include:

Critical thinking—you’ll solve problems thoroughly and well.

Teamwork & collaboration—every class is a team and you’ll take turns leading projects and discussion.

Communication skills—debate, papers, and reflection help you articulate your ideas.

Time management—you’ll be a pro after four years.

You Won’t Do It Alone…

You will have a student success team that you’ll work with doing the first three weeks of the semester. Your support crew of instructors, staff, and upperclass students will get to know you during orientation and follow closely along during your first semester at Changemaker while you get the hang of things. Soon, you’ll start to create your own family-like community with even more instructors you connect with once you move on to your next course, staff you work with or see regularly, and friends from all walks of life. Each block your instructor only teaches one course, yours—you’ll get to know them well.